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Hard drive profile

Date added: 2023-03-10 Posted by: PQCraft
Brand: Seagate Firmware: 8.01
Model number: ST3160023A Manufacture date: 2005-08-09
Model name / serie: N/A Buffersize: 8 MB
Drive size: 160 GB RPM: 7200
XBOX version: v1.6 Progam(s): Chimp261812

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The drive is extremely cranky and doesn't want to work. In order to get it to boot on both my 1.6 and 1.2 Xbox, I have to power off the motherboard while keeping the power supply running.
The steps to get it working are:
1. Power on the Xbox
2. Wait for the drive to spin up
3. Supply 3.3v to the PowerON line on the power supply header
4. Press the power button and turn off the Xbox (the board will power down but the power supply will continue to power the HDD as long as you have 3.3v connected to PowerON)
5. Turn the Xbox back on
6. Wait around 10 seconds
7. Wow it somehow works!

The drive has a loud spinup sound.

The heat output seems to be more than 50C. It is hot enough to the point where holding it is uncomfortable.


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