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Hard drive profile

Date added: 2013-05-01 Posted by: dbatch
Brand: Hitachi Firmware: N/A
Model number: HDP725050GLAT80 Manufacture date: N/A
Model name / serie: N/A Buffersize: 8 MB
Drive size: 500 GB RPM: 7200
XBOX version: v1.0 Progam(s): chimp 2.6x

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I did upgrade my Xbox using chimp 2.6x which I had placed under E:appschimp and external molex connector from external HDD enclosure. So I did not use a PC to upgrade it only the xbox and the power from enclosure for the new disk. Locks perfectly.

Note: After you done with upgrade you need to select option 8 in the chmip (format extended partitions) otherwise you can not use the extra space.


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