Used this adapter without issue.
I'm going to be testing out a Rosewill adapter as well.
A few things to note, when using XboxHDM if you try to build the F drive it might say the drive isn't big enough. Don't worry about that. Also, load both Xbpartioner1.0 and Xbpartitioner1.1 on your box. The F drive does get built, but it gets built at 1400GB which if you try to go into xbpartitioner1.1 it will lock up when you try to highlight the F partition. The fix is to load xbpartitioner1.0 and create two partions that are like 150GB each and format with 32K clusters. The size of partition and cluster probably don't matter but it's what I did, just don't go above 500 if I remember correctly. Then, load up into 1.1 and set the partion sizes manually to larger. Doing it manually is the key because if you set it to cycle through the standard possibilities it will lock up. The maximum size that a partition can be is 999GB but I wouldn't chance it and set it at like 900GB for one and the rest on the other partion. That's just me. Also in version xbpartitioner 1.1 it auto sets the cluster formatting size based on the size of the partition so don't get worried that you can't change it. |