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Hard drive profile

Date added: 2008-03-11 Posted by: wildonrio
Brand: Seagate Firmware: N/A
Model number: ST3750640A Manufacture date: N/A
Model name / serie: N/A Buffersize: 16 MB
Drive size: 750 GB RPM: 7200
XBOX version: v1.6 Progam(s): xboxhdm

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No problems, I got it for only $175 at It's the biggest IDE available. Any bigger and you'll have to get an ATA to SATA adapter.

The drive runs well and is surprisingly quiet. Make sure you format the drive using xbpartitioner with 32k clusters before transferring anything to it and that you split the drive equally between partitions F and G. Here are the scenarios:

If you do one F partition with 16k clusters, you will get data corruption past 256gb (loss= 494gb).
If you do one F partition with 32k clusters, you will get data corruption past 512gb (loss= 238gb).
If you do two partitions F and G with 16 clusters, you will get data corruption past 256gb on each partition (loss= 238gb).
If you do two partitions F and G with 32 clusters, you will not get data corruption (this is your best option).

As soon as xbpartitioner supports 64k clusters, then we can do one large F drive and not experience data corruption until 1TB. We are currently discussing this possibility on the xbox scene here:

By the time you read this, maybe it's already possible :)


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