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Hard drive profile

Date added: 2008-01-11 Posted by: M3GAPL3X
Brand: Seagate Firmware: N/A
Model number: ST340016A Manufacture date: N/A
Model name / serie: N/A Buffersize: N/A
Drive size: 40 GB RPM: N/A
XBOX version: Unk. Progam(s): xboxhdm 1.9

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I had to format this hard drive with DBAN before I locked the drive with xboxhdm 1.9. It worked perfectly. One problem I found was that after the hard drive was installed, the games kept freezing because the hard drive couldn't load the game saves. This is fixed by deleting all of the files from the E:Cache folder from the Xbox. You will have to FTP into it to do this.


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