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Hard drive profile

Date added: 2005-09-23 Posted by: MattMannLT
Brand: Western Digital Firmware: N/A
Model number: WD1200JB-00GVC0 Manufacture date: 2005-06-05
Model name / serie: N/A Buffersize: 8 MB
Drive size: 120 GB RPM: 7200
XBOX version: v1.1 Progam(s): XBOXHDM

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After a bunch of failures it finally locked...
Config Final- Failed
Xboxhdm on new computer - Failed
Xboxhdm on old computer - WORKED!!

so it just seems like the drive is picky. just keep trying different programs. But i would obviously recommend using an old computer and xboxhdm. The comp i used was an HP from like 1998 or so. Also xboxhdm said that it had enabled security but it that it didnt lock. but when i put it into my xbox it said it was locked. and FYI my xbox is softmodded.


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