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Hard drive profile

Date added: 2006-08-20 Posted by: jacobesterque
Brand: Seagate Firmware: 3.AAE
Model number: ST3400633A Manufacture date: N/A
Model name / serie: Barracuda 7200 point 9 Buffersize: 16 MB
Drive size: 400 GB RPM: 7200
XBOX version: v1.0 Progam(s): SlaYers EvoX Auto-Installer v2.6

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Works perfect NOW. Had a few problems, but nothing related to hardware.

BEST compatible with Xecuter 5035.67 and probably 5035.06. Do not use it with iND BiOS. For some reason the F partition formats fine, but when you try to format the G partition, it never actually formats the G partition. I am a huge fan of iND-BiOS, but with anything over 300gb, use the Xecuter bios.


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